March 2015
- Four SHARPPies presented our lab’s research at the 34th Society of Fellows conference at Pace University’s NYC campus. Claire Ryan, Juliette DeLaney, May Reinert, and Melissa Adolphe did a spectacular job representing our lab!
February 2014
- Pace University’s Chronicle newspaper featured the SHARPP Lab! You can read about us here!
November 2013
- iFirst Publication: Legg, A. M., & Sweeny, K. (in press). Do you want the good news or bad news first? The nature and consequences of news order preferences. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, doi: 10.1177/0146167213509113
- Dr. Legg was selected to serve on the Early Career Psychologists Council for the Society for Teaching of Psychology. Her term will begin in January 2014.